Simon DĂ©saulniers
Simon DĂ©saulniers
DĂ©veloppeur RD

  1. My resume
    PDF format.
  2. MĂ©moire (UQĂ€M)
    Opérations non rudimentaires de tables de hachage distribuées et clavardage en groupe sûr de bout en bout
  3. amh
    Small lua module for the AwesomeWM providing multi-host functionnalties
  4. dotfiles
    The set of files used as configuration for various software I use.
  5. dpaste
    A simple pastebin for light values (max 64KB) using OpenDHT (with support for AES and GPG encryption).
  6. polyenum
    Tool for enumerating polyominoes in order to support combinatorics research of those objects.